DevSecOps: Bringing Security to the forefont of your enterprise applications.

With the ever-evolving threat landscape, it’s more important than ever for businesses to take proactive steps to protect their data and assets. Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and costly, and even the most well-protected organizations are at risk. The Australian Governments Cyber Security strategy, aims to address this by arming Australian Businesses and citizens with the appropriate knowledge and resources. Once such strategy in the world of Enterprise Software, is DevSecOps.

In November this year, the Australian Government released the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy. In our recent Beer Driven Devs podcast episode, Matt Goldman, cyber security expert Nick Ellsmore, and I delved into the strategy, exploring its implications for businesses and individuals.

Our conversation with Nick highlighted the pivotal role of software and software developers in the cyber security landscape. In the absence of stringent regulations in the software industry, the responsibility falls on Software Vendors to stay abreast of the latest security practices. Enter DevSecOps – a framework ensuring security is ingrained in every phase of the software development lifecycle.


DevSecOps represents a transformative shift in the traditional software development model by integrating security seamlessly into every phase of the process. This holistic approach begins with the initial planning stages and extends through coding, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance. By doing so, it fundamentally changes the way organizations perceive and manage cyber security. Some of the features of the DevSecOps framework are:

1. Security as culture

Beyond the technical aspects, DevSecOps initiates a cultural shift within organizations. It promotes a mindset where all team members, including developers, operations, and security professionals, share responsibility for security. By instilling a culture of vigilance, every team member becomes a proactive participant in identifying and mitigating security risks. This collective responsibility creates a stronger defense against potential threats, as individuals at every level of the organization are attuned to security considerations in their day-to-day tasks.

2. Automated and Continuous security testing

Tools such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) allow us to proactively monitor our applications, monitoring for any new vulnerabilities.

3. Continuous Improvement

As the security landscape is ever evolving, so too, must our defences. DevSecOps is inherently iterative and encourages a continuous improvement mindset. Regular feedback loops, performance monitoring, and incident response exercises contribute to an adaptive security approach. This constant refinement ensures that the organization remains resilient in the face of evolving cyber security threats, adapting its practices and technologies to stay ahead of potential risks.

Risks when outsourcing

When it comes to developing custom software solutions, the outsourcing decision becomes paramount. With the allure of significant upfront cost benefits, offshore development can to be an attractive option. However, there are countless stories of inexperienced companies opting for offshore vendors based solely on cost, oblivious to the risks, including potential security vulnerabilities. It’s crucial to select a reputable outsourcing partner and take necessary precautions to protect sensitive information, such as guarding against data breaches or intellectual property theft.

To drive home the significance of DevSecOps practices, let’s consider how they can proactively identify and address security vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. Adopting these practices not only enhances security but also fosters a culture of vigilance in organizations.

A deeper understanding of the Australian Cyber Security Strategy and its overarching goals is essential. This strategy aims to fortify the country’s cyber security posture and shield against emerging threats. Recognizing its potential impact on businesses and individuals in Australia adds context to the urgency of adopting robust cyber security measures.

Another idea is to include more information about the benefits of DevSecOps practices, such as how they can help identify and address security vulnerabilities early in the software development lifecycle. This would help readers understand the importance of integrating security into all phases of the development process and encourage them to adopt these practices in their own organizations.


Moving beyond development, the often-overlooked stages of the Software Development Lifecycle, i.e. Deployment and Maintenance are crucial in ensuring sustained security. I recently encountered a client grappling with the security of an application developed many years ago. Despite its seeming stability, a review revealed its use of an outdated Django framework version, unsupported since December 2017. Unsurprisingly, the version had several documented security vulnerabilities. The client now faces a tough decision – attempting to patch the application posed too great a risk. This scenario underscores the importance of regular maintenance, jsut like maintaining your car, to prolong the lifespan of custom software investments and maintain a robust security posture.

Finding a software development partner can be challenging, and finding one that cares about the security of your data and systems as much as you do, adds to these challenges. Here at Encubed Solutions, we put security as a priority on everything we do. If you would like to learn more about how we utilise DevSecOps, contact Encubed Solutions today. We are a team of experts in enterprise application development, and we can help you design, build, and maintain a solution that meets your needs.

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